What you've been saying

Since Clear The Road launched to protest illegal road blockades, we have been inundated with stories and support. 

Here are recent examples of how foolish - and criminal - actions on BC highways are harming residents:

  • “I work driving patients to and from dialysis and other appointments … yes, highway blockades have prevented us from getting to said treatments.”
  • “I am a truck driver… All of our drivers are beyond frustrated with these protestors shutting down the highways. It has had a huge impact on our deliveries and caused most of us to work unnecessary overtime on the days there were protests.”
  • “We were unsure how long the protest would disrupt traffic so we sent [an] entire crew home, even though they were already on the North Shore. We had 8-10 dump trucks that drove from Surrey and Abbotsford. These trucks have a collective cost of $1200-1500/ hr. We sent the trucks home paying them for 4.0 hr minimum but did no work for the costs incurred. Other days have interfered with our ability to send urgently needed materials to a road crew costing $680/hr.”
  • “I was transported via ambulance to Vancouver for an emergency spinal operation. A 5 1/2 hour drive, including 2 ferries. My wife was following in our car. I could hear on the ambulances radio as we neared VGH how the protesters were blocking roads and delaying ambulances. Luckily the crew was able to skirt the protesters but we were all on edge about the blocked roads. The protesters had little or no regard for any patients or visitors to the hospital. They cared about no one other than themselves.”

Were you affected in any way by the blockades? Use this form to tell us about it.

We're also accepting donations to support our volunteer team that is going into the field to provide support for stranded motorists while the situation persists. Funds will also be used to explore a possible class-action lawsuit.